Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Common Sense Award?

It’s always sad when you have to force yourself to blog.

And as I’m writing this, Hops has here jingle bell ball in her mouth and is tossing her head back and forth – making lots of noise and is super cute, so now I’m in a bit better of a mood.

Worked out this evening for about 45 minutes. Yesterday I didn’t work out at all (wasn’t feeling up to it) and my water intake wasn’t up to my goal, but close! Meals were well balanced as they ought to be!

Hmmm, life. Well I took my car into the shop as my brakes “weren’t right” as I like to say. It ended up being more than what I thought the problem was (although they took care of that as well), but the monetary damage wasn’t bad at all (at least, that’s how I feel)!

And I have the first $100 into my Emergency Fund saved! Gooooooooooo ME! I’m hoping to have all of it by the end of May - only because taxes are coming up and I have a plane ticket to buy and a bunny to spay (I haven’t told her yet that I am taking her ovaries – its for her own good!). I keep wondering if maybe Hops wouldn’t benefit from a bunny friend as the cats and her just don’t speak the same language and things seemed to be getting lost in translation (not referring to ‘murder’ here – and that is a Bones reference, lol).

I have also discovered that feeding Holly three times a day seems to work best. I have a bad feeling that she may be trying to go hyperthyroid me but I am going to fight it tooth and nail. And I think I am starting to come to terms that I may have accidently gotten myself another cat in her – but I am still calling her a foster. Its just that she is old and I don’t think anybody is going to come along and baby her the way she deserves. Poor girl had a great life with a good owner who happened to have horrid helpers that pawned off their responsibilities and so dumped her onto the next owners – who were obviously not cat people! But at least they brought her to us – good for them! Common Sense award to them!

I think I should start doing that: handing out Common Sense Awards.

I wonder how often I’ll have the opportunity? In this town . . .

Well, the natives are getting restless so I had better go now before a war ensues . . . Good night all!

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