Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Busy, busy!

Sorry! I know I said I would be updating so much more often then I have been, but I’ve been super busy.

Lots going on.

I finally made it to the library and checked out some books – research for my novel. Now I just have to find the time to read them. I also recently joined/signed up with the company Herbalife, which is super yum and doing good things for me so far. I’ve lost a total of 5 pounds now, maybe a little more as I haven’t gotten on the scale in a couple of days and I joined a weight loss challenge that ends on the 17th – I’ll let you know how that goes!

Last weekend I had a very busy Saturday. First I went to a plasma center and signed up to donate. Then I went to an Herbalife training meeting, just an overview of the products and what they do. Then I had a wedding to attend (probably the fastest wedding I’d ever been to!), went to the reception, then I went back to the plasma center and actually donated – and I’m going back again tomorrow!

This weekend will be busy too, as I am going to an Herbalife training seminar – I guess its going to be an all day thing as far as I know, and it starts at 9am. For those of you who know me very well, you know that 9am is waaaaaaaayyy to early for me. I prefer to sleep in!

I haven’t been doing very well on exercising in the past week, but prior to that I was doing excellently. And I’m still eating right and drinking plenty of water. Yay!

Money is tight right now (then again when is it not!) and so I’m really having to watch things at the moment. But with me donating plasma and doing some dog sitting next weekend, funds should be coming in a little more easily.

The cats are all doing well – although they seem to be having slightly more frequent arguments. And Hops is doing awesome, but she has chewed off a couple of the buttons on my remotes!

Yawn – time for bed!

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