Saturday, March 12, 2011

Allergies Anyone?

This past week has not been the greatest of weeks, as far as great weeks go.

My boss’ mother passed away – she was 102 years old. She had just, in fact, turned 102 last week and then the following day became ill. She passed on Thursday morning.

My brother-in-law’s grandmother also passed away yesterday early afternoon. She had been battling illnesses and deteriorating health for awhile, but just became severely ill a couple weeks ago.

And just this week I received the news that an old friend (one of my sister’s bridesmaids at her wedding) has stage four brain cancer and may only have days or weeks to live – she has three kids: ages 6,4, and 18months. And a husband who adores her. She is 28.

Our own mortality hits us in very different ways.

And life moves on.

Today I went to an Herbalife STS (I just found out what that means! Its Herbalife speak for Success Training Seminar!), and I have to say I am very excited. Maybe that needed an exclamation! Or two!! Maybe even three!!! Anyways, I am going to get really plugged into the business! That means I will be talking to all of you about it as well! Even more than I have been!

Before Herbalife I was tired all of the time, had no energy, weight-wise was not where I wanted to be, and had an undiagnosed GI issue that left me horribly nauseous two out of every four weeks and the doctors were convinced that taking my gallbladder would somehow make all of it go away (yeah right!). Now I have energy and don’t feel the need for a nap at lunch nor do I want to go back to using my caffeine crutch; I’m losing weight healthily, and since I started on this product about 2 ½ weeks ago I have only had one day of not feeling well!

Also, I had bad allergies that manifested themselves not only in my sinuses but on my skin! I broke out into these horrible rashes that itched like nobody’s business and I have some scars to prove it! Now I am off of my allergy medicine, and guess what? No more rashes! My sister was very impressed by this as she has seen some of my skin rashes and knows how horribly frustrating they were.

I am also going to be implementing on here one of the things that Brook Kirwin talked about today:

3 things I am grateful for: I am grateful for Dustin, who simply walked into my work one day and asked if I liked shakes. I am grateful for the product, which seems to be currently changing my life. And I am grateful for my family – the whole lot who mean so much to me and whom I love very much!
3 things I am manifesting: I will be healthy and feel good all of the time, even when I don’t want to! I will reach financial fitness and freedom. And I will finish my novel!
One amazing thing that happened to me today is: that my work schedule for next week was absolutely perfect and what I needed it to be – that never happens!

God Bless!

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