Saturday, February 19, 2011


I know its been a few days since I’ve reported but work and life have been killing me! So here it is:

Days 3-6

So day 3, I just did some major stretching due to the exercise set I’d done the night before, but otherwise I did well.

Day 4 was a nightmare. I worked a straight 12 hour shift – no lunch break. Three of our staff called in sick that day, we had a completely full surgery schedule that got complicated by a dog that had a bunch of stickers caught in it mouth (due to idiot owners!) and a dystocia dog who had been in labor for about 36 hours per the owners (another pair of idiots). So lunch was filled with finishing up our surgeries from the morning, digging stickers out of a dogs mouth, and performing a c-section/spay. Luckily four of the five puppies survived – the one who didn’t was the one that got stuck in the birth canal. We called in pizza for lunch – I had Mt. Dew for the first time in a very, very long time. When I got home that night I downloaded some soundscapes and walked for about 30 minutes. I had comfort food for dinner that ended up not sitting very well. I did not drink anywhere near my goal amount of water.

Day 5 still not all that great. Drank water with lunch and dinner, but only drank maybe an additional 8-12 ounces throughout the day. I did some very light amount of stretching, but that’s it.

Day 6 I drank water with all three meals, but no extra, and no exercise. It’s just that time, so I was kind of expecting it to not be a great day. But I did eat pretty well today so that’s good!

I will do better this next week!

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