Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Common Sense Award?

It’s always sad when you have to force yourself to blog.

And as I’m writing this, Hops has here jingle bell ball in her mouth and is tossing her head back and forth – making lots of noise and is super cute, so now I’m in a bit better of a mood.

Worked out this evening for about 45 minutes. Yesterday I didn’t work out at all (wasn’t feeling up to it) and my water intake wasn’t up to my goal, but close! Meals were well balanced as they ought to be!

Hmmm, life. Well I took my car into the shop as my brakes “weren’t right” as I like to say. It ended up being more than what I thought the problem was (although they took care of that as well), but the monetary damage wasn’t bad at all (at least, that’s how I feel)!

And I have the first $100 into my Emergency Fund saved! Gooooooooooo ME! I’m hoping to have all of it by the end of May - only because taxes are coming up and I have a plane ticket to buy and a bunny to spay (I haven’t told her yet that I am taking her ovaries – its for her own good!). I keep wondering if maybe Hops wouldn’t benefit from a bunny friend as the cats and her just don’t speak the same language and things seemed to be getting lost in translation (not referring to ‘murder’ here – and that is a Bones reference, lol).

I have also discovered that feeding Holly three times a day seems to work best. I have a bad feeling that she may be trying to go hyperthyroid me but I am going to fight it tooth and nail. And I think I am starting to come to terms that I may have accidently gotten myself another cat in her – but I am still calling her a foster. Its just that she is old and I don’t think anybody is going to come along and baby her the way she deserves. Poor girl had a great life with a good owner who happened to have horrid helpers that pawned off their responsibilities and so dumped her onto the next owners – who were obviously not cat people! But at least they brought her to us – good for them! Common Sense award to them!

I think I should start doing that: handing out Common Sense Awards.

I wonder how often I’ll have the opportunity? In this town . . .

Well, the natives are getting restless so I had better go now before a war ensues . . . Good night all!

Sunday, February 20, 2011


Day 7 – worked out for a full hour! And I drank a good amount of water and my meals weren’t horrible. Turns out yesterday and today were false alarms which probably means that early tomorrow morning before going into work I’m going to feel like I’ve been hit by a Semi – and there will be no way out as my car is going into the shop first thing in the morning to get more break fluid put into it. Which is something I could probably do myself if I knew where and what kind of break fluid to get – as long as the lines don’t need bled or anything. Super frustrating!

But on a good note – I believe I have officially lost a pound and at least a half an inch around my waist! Woot woot!

Saturday, February 19, 2011


I know its been a few days since I’ve reported but work and life have been killing me! So here it is:

Days 3-6

So day 3, I just did some major stretching due to the exercise set I’d done the night before, but otherwise I did well.

Day 4 was a nightmare. I worked a straight 12 hour shift – no lunch break. Three of our staff called in sick that day, we had a completely full surgery schedule that got complicated by a dog that had a bunch of stickers caught in it mouth (due to idiot owners!) and a dystocia dog who had been in labor for about 36 hours per the owners (another pair of idiots). So lunch was filled with finishing up our surgeries from the morning, digging stickers out of a dogs mouth, and performing a c-section/spay. Luckily four of the five puppies survived – the one who didn’t was the one that got stuck in the birth canal. We called in pizza for lunch – I had Mt. Dew for the first time in a very, very long time. When I got home that night I downloaded some soundscapes and walked for about 30 minutes. I had comfort food for dinner that ended up not sitting very well. I did not drink anywhere near my goal amount of water.

Day 5 still not all that great. Drank water with lunch and dinner, but only drank maybe an additional 8-12 ounces throughout the day. I did some very light amount of stretching, but that’s it.

Day 6 I drank water with all three meals, but no extra, and no exercise. It’s just that time, so I was kind of expecting it to not be a great day. But I did eat pretty well today so that’s good!

I will do better this next week!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Feel the Burn!


Ouch . . .

So I worked out pretty good this evening – I moved onto a new segment in the workout videos that I have, and let me tell ya: I am sooooo feeling it already!

I’m unsure if I will be capable of walking or moving my arms in the morning . . . Oh well, I’ll flop out of bed.

But on a more positive note, I managed to drink water with both lunch and dinner (running a little late this morning so none with breakfast) and drank my entire 32oz bottle of water: Hooray for me! I backslid slightly on my coffee consumption, but still kept my milk drinking under control. And I am learning once again that salad is my friend.

Have I ever mentioned that I don’t like celery? I mean, come on, who really likes celery? But I forced myself to eat some today. I did one of those peanut butter on celery things and I tried a stick with some ranch dressing just to see which I preferred. If you concentrate really hard on the taste other than celery, you almost – almost – can trick yourself into believing its not really celery.

I guess Hops may be getting to try a new green tomorrow.

Fun story of the week –

I’ve been having problems with my heater ever since I came back from California. The heater would work properly for awhile, and then randomly shut itself off only to not kick back on again at the appointed temperature (made for some very chilly mornings!), causing me to have to do any number of things to get it to turn back on. It eventually got progressively worse and so I called maintenance to come take a look. They did, and fiddled with some things, telling me that if what they did didn’t work to call them back out there. It seemed to work – for all of 8 hours. Unfortunately I worked all day the next couple of days and this past weekend so I did not have time for them to come out and try again. I called Monday morning though and they came out Monday afternoon and just replaced the wall unit. That seemed to work very well – until sometime in the middle of the night when the heater decided that it liked being on thank-you-very-much and was not going to turn off even though it was 86 degrees in my apartment at 5 o’clock in the morning! It would not even turn off when I kicked it over to AC!!!!! But that was this morning – I tried to give the thing the benefit of the doubt, but alas! It was not to be. When I got home at lunch, my apartment had cooled down (all to a nice, balmy 80 degrees) and once again when I just turned the unit to ‘off’ it just kept pumping out hot air – so I called maintenance again to have them come over. Unfortunately, they ended up calling me back to let me know that they were in the middle of a rather time consuming job and would not be able to get to my apartment before I left for work again. So I could either postpone until tomorrow, or have them come while I was not there.
Have I mentioned that technically speaking I have too many animals in my apartment? I thought so.
But I went ahead and gave the okay. Because there is no way I could have done anything in my apartment this evening the way it was. And I came home to work with my apartment at a bracing 66 degrees! Oh well – at least the heater turned off!

Monday, February 14, 2011

1 of 1

Today I have done very well. I exercised for 35 minutes, drank a glass of water with each meal, and cut back significantly on both milk and coffee! I didn’t get my full extra 32oz of water, but my meals were better balanced than they have been for a while.

I had to run some errands today, and since today was Valentine’s Day there were many guys out at Walmart buying last minute flowers. Walmart has lots of last minute flowers! I even got some cheap ones that are sitting pretty on my coffee table – I just have to keep Hops and Wicket from chewing on them!

I have also discovered that Hops prefers to drink from my water fountain and the cats water bowl rather than her water bottle. It’s very cute - after she has drank out of the fountain, she sneezes – the fountain is not very conducive to being drank out of by a bunny!

Sunday, February 13, 2011


I have decided that I am actually going to do it. It’s a daunting task, but it has to be done. And, I believe, I will feel so much better for having done it.

Losing weight, that is.

I keep starting to try and then this stupid stomach issue rears its ugly head, leading to a week or two of me just trying to function and keep everything going. This of course, brings about lots of stress causing my body to keep as much stored up as possible leaving me sitting right where I was at the beginning. And thus, I have to start all over again.

So that is what I am doing – starting all over again.

But this time, I’m telling everyone. Nag me please – send me emails, texts, call me and ask: have you been good today?

The past three days I have exercised okay (20mins) – my goal for this week is 30 minutes a day and drinking an 8oz glass of water at every meal, and 32oz on top of that. And starting to cut back on both coffee and milk.

I can already hear the drum beats of a death march in the back of my head. NOOOOOO! Not my milk and coffee!!!!!!!!

But I comfort myself in that it will only be for a little while, then I can go back a little bit once I attain my goals. But I already gave up caffeine and soda, and I don’t really feel their lack in my life – so who knows? Then again, I’ve never been a big fan of drinking water . . .

But this is about accountability. And I have to be honest.

So, my first goal is to get back to my high school graduation weight: that’s 20 pounds to lose. And I am going to succeed!