Tuesday, June 29, 2010

No more Khaki?

Well today Khaki had another accident in her crate this morning while I was at work - so I emailed the adoption coordinater and she basically hypothesized everything that I was already thinking. A) she is too smart for her own good (give me my Motley back! I like my stupid dog!) B) she has a mild form of seperation anxiety, and C) she's a brat. Basically, she has figured out that certain walks are done right before I leave for work and so she doesn't pay attention to what she is supposed to be doing and pays too much attention to what I'm doing. And thus: we have accidents.
She also decided that eating the rest of a half-eaten thing of a crunch bar was a good idea - I think I may have decided her otherwise, as induced vomiting via Hydrogen Peroxide is a wretched business; but I digress.
The adoption coordinater also informed me that there was a family interested in Khaki - and so far they sound pretty ideal. Which is great, except that I'm going to miss her when she goes. I can't believe how attached I am to her already - I know, all of you are just sitting there shaking your heads, saying how much you can believe it. I know. But I can't believe it, so there :P
I hope this family works out for her - I think she has been to enough homes.
And now she has just drank some of my milk from my glass - gross! There goes that!


  1. 1 - yes - saw the attachment coming, you can't change who you are.
    2 - Didn't you learn about the chocolate bar the first time...
    3 - Sad to hear she's going soon, but can't wait for the next batch of adventures.

    Keep your chin up!

  2. So sad you will miss her.
    Yes, it only takes us a couple of days to do that to ourselves.
    And don't be too sure about Motley.
    We are still fighting the battle of him escaping.
    So.....this weekend we are FINALLY putting in a new fence bordering the front.
    So maybe a good thing after all.
    As I will be able to use the side gate again!
    Love ya, and also look forward to hearing about your next batch of adventures!
