Monday, June 28, 2010

Flowers and Skirts

So this past week has been hectic. Dog issues, money issues, plant issues, all of that. Khaki has mostly gotten over being sick - yes, she had a mild GI illness. And when that was finally resolved she decided having a couple of accidents in her crate (on her bed) was the thing to do yesterday. Let me just inform you in case you were wondering - that smell and 656 sq feet do NOT go well. So I spent Sunday airing out my apartment and cleaning the entire place - I think I broke my vaccum too! I'm kinda afraid to really go look at it. And I have a confession to make - I already told my big sister so she knows - I did it. My poor bed, who has been with me these past 9 years, whom I have laid on and loved - now wears a skirt. A bedskirt - after I practically took an oath to never own one or put one on my bed. But oh well.
Money issues has to do with a single unknown charge to my checking account - I'm sure that I will figure it out once my statement comes in the mail.
Wicket killed my Morning Glories, so I had to replant them and the new ones have already started sprouting. The boquet of lilies that I bought have scented my apartment very nicely and the rest of the plants are doing okay - except my orchid that I am constantly at war with.
But all in all things are good.
Can't wait for this weekend - Eclipse and The Last Airbender out in Theater's!


  1. So what was the deciding reason to get a bedskirt for your already seemingly perfect bed?!

  2. My bed is now in the middle of my room so I can't pull the covers down on one side to hided my boxspring, and the few items that are under my bed can no longer be pushed up against the wall so that they can't be seen. And thus: the bedskirt!
