Thursday, June 17, 2010


So I decided that I would give blogging a try. I figure - hey both of my sisters are doing it and while I don't have kids (hurray for me!) I do have things that I want to write about and put out there ( we will not discuss my novel, we will not discuss my novel . . . ). Also, I just don't feel like posting this stuff in the "Notes" section of Facebook. So here goes. Let's see how long this lasts.

Today: work. Yeah, I know, that's pretty anticlimactic. But work today was pretty good. It wasn't insane for once and I didn't have to deal with any stupid clients. Everything was straight forward and pretty smooth. We even finished early - we don't get to leave early, but everything was done before 6pm. And on my way home: no one tried to kill me with their cars! It was a great day!

The only damper on the entire day was that my foster dog, Khaki (I'll have had her for a week tomorrow) decided to investigate my countertops and found the Kit Kat bars I had up there. It was one of those giant ones that you can get at Walmart. Thankfully I had already eaten about half of it, so she didn't get as much as she could have. Plus she had already some of her breakfast to coat her stomach so it wasn't too much of a disaster. So I gave her more breakfast to help "move things along." I took her to work with me just to make sure she didn't do anything in the apartment, if you get my drift. Which was a good thing, since it did have fun with her GI tract. But thankfully I had put her outside into one of our outdoor runs so that went well.

Khaki and Wicket are getting along well, as long as Khaki stays calm. When she gets excited and runs around Wicket gets up on her toes and puffs her hair out. Alice is just unamused, as always, and has already informed Khaki that she is the Queen and Khaki is lucky to be allowed to even exsist inside of her domain.

But life goes on . . .

Let's see, what else? My Morning Glory's are growing well so far, as is my miniature Rosebush. My orchid is still struggling along - one of the one's that I brought with me from California. Poor thing has been through a lot!


  1. Yea, I love it.
    I will look forward to checking in often.
    Love ya,
    I may have to figure out how not to be "granny" on your blog. Or we'll just have to deal with it!

  2. Welcome to the blog world. Glad to see everything's going good. Miss you out here. Tell mom to change her name on her profile and that will change her name when she comments (on all blogs) :).

  3. I enjoyed it Ash! You have a way with words and humor!
