Monday, July 5, 2010

Old and New

So, a couple applied for adopting a greyhound and they have four cats so Khaki of course came up. Well, they decided to give it a try and so I took her over there this past Friday and so far she is doing well over there. They haven't officially signed the adoption papers - the rescue group likes to give potential adopters a good amount of time to make a final decision. But given that this couple have already purchased a brand new wire crate for her (a spendy venture if you are not going to keep the dog), well, the adoption coordinator and I are very hopeful. And I only cried for about 30 seconds after I dropped her off!
Saw Eclipse with Patty on Friday - loved it! Wish that there hadn't been a 40minute intermission due to technical difficulties, but, well. Then, on Saturday I went and saw "The Last Airbender" which was slightly painful; maybe more than slightly. I was highly disappointed in M. Night Shamalayn. He messed with the story line in ways that it didn't need to be messed with, there were name mispronunciations (which is what really made me cringe), and the movie was too short (lending to the unnecessary story line changes). I mean, I didn't expect the acting to be great as the main characters are child actors (except for Rathborne, whose acting was fine). But there were just major story flaws that I just can't get past.
Now it wasn't the worst movie ever (as I gave that award to "Eragon" a few years back - talk about painful!), but it wasn't good.
Well, I got a new foster dog today. She is a long-haired whippet that was found as a stray about a month ago - suprisingly she is getting along well with the cats. And she already has a potential adoptive home. She is very cute and doing good so far (she's only been here for about 3 hours). However, I found a couple of the dreaded fleas on her. So she, Wicket, and Alice all got Advantage applied and tomorrow I will go and pick up a flea collar to put in my vaccum (which I will hopefully fix tomorrow . . .)


  1. Tyson had the exact same critique of The Last Airbender. You can commiserate with him when we get there!

  2. I threw a HUGE fit over The Last Airbender when I read a Shyamalan interview last week. I did actually see it, thanks to your "not the worst movie ever" comment. No, seriously. And call me a sap, but I liked it. Aside from all the infuriating changes that I knew were coming, I enjoyed it. I even got mushy at all the right parts. Just goes to show what low expectations can afford you, right?
