Thursday, July 8, 2010

The Dratted Dog

So, the new dog is a bit of an idiot.

She refuses to go to the bathroom while on a leash - and I'm not going to just let her off as I have no way of getting her back if she takes off. So she has had multiple accidents in the apartment. Thankfully she seems to have picked a spot so there are now puppy pads in that area (which she hasn't used so far, the little brat). However, so far the most accidents have been in her crate - unfortunately on whatever bed is in there. Which brings us to today.

Today has been one of those days. I did laundry last night in which I washed all of the dog beds. So Holly (the dog), peed on her nice, clean bed over night. So I had to deal with that this morning. I took her out to see if she would go and of course she didn't. I took Alice to work this morning, as I had scheduled her for a dental (which was the one good thing that happened today, as I did it - my first dental!). Today was just supposed to be two doctors on -D and Kemp- but no, my boss had to show up and yell at everyone for every little thing and then go yell at someone else about what he had told us to do (taking us away from whatever we were doing before), and then yell about whatever we had been doing not being done. It was a vicious hour-long cycle until he finally left (taking the cat food that he had just come to pick up in the first place). It was ridiculous! Everything was going smooth before he showed up, and was smooth after he left (except that now Dr. D was all frustrated, and she will occasionally take that out on others). But once that man (myboss) sticks his thumb into into every single pie and messes it up he leaves, and leaves us to pick up the mess. I was supposed to be off for lunch at noon, but didn't get to leave until about 12:40pm. And then when I pulled into the parking space in front of my apartment - I saw my blinds . . .

My ruined, broken blinds.

Holly, the nimrod/idiot/stupid/mangy mutt, had figured out how to break out of her kennel, pooped in the apartment, dragged my $60 jeans (which she thankfully didn't ruin!) into the front room, and tore up/broke the bottom half of my blinds in the front room. . .

Of course, my main thought was: Wicket?!

Who was smart enough to be hiding under the bed and meowed as soon as she heard my voice. And as soon as I knew she was ok - the absolute lividness set in. And frustration.

So I started cleaning my apartment and called Linda (the adoption coordinator) and told her what had happened, and she assured me she would be getting replacements for me -btw, Mom, I have a few questions about window treatments now . . . - Good news though is that I made time to order the part for my vacuum (it was the floor brush that broke). I've also decided that I'm going to be purchasing some "D" rings and bungee cord for the crate because, well, never again.

In other news, my allergies and pleurisy have both been acting up leading to a general feeling of all around "Blah-ness" (medical term!) which doesn't help as the insomnia has also jumped into high gear over the past 3-4 weeks . . .

And life goes on.


  1. I am sooooooo sorry.
    As if life in general is not frustrating enough.
    Love ya,
    PS: Can you please not have a dog while I am there????!!!!

  2. Wow, it's like reading a blog about my own life...Madison, my 6-month-old is almost exactly the same. ESPECIALLY with the potty thing. It's maddening.

    Also the insomnia...ugh...hence the pot of coffee per day. Praying for you!
