Friday, May 27, 2011

A Little Neglected . . .

So I feel as if I have been neglecting my poor blog . . .
Probably because I have been.
Life has been so freakishly busy and hectic and utterly chaotic that I feel as though everything has exploded in my face! And it’s only going to get worse.
I should really be making cat food right now . . . but I’m writing this. Even my spelling is suffering at the hands of my eye-twitch induced exhaustion! But we writers do as we must – carrying on the spark of literary genius!
And back to reality.
Finances have been killing me and I quite literally had a panic attack over it last week – thankfully talking to my mom and problem solving helped me feel better combined with the oh-so-lovely fact that my income tax return check came in and presto! Dire financial straights crisis averted!
I also haven’t spent near enough time packing, but on the same hand I’m no where near ready to move yet (a month and a half away) that I feel that packing would be premature. At least, any more than I already have (one bookshelf down – that’s about 5 boxes? – 3 more to go!).
Added to the mix (although this I have thoroughly enjoyed even if it is time consuming and about to be somewhat heartbreaking) is the raising of two bottle babies (kittens). Although they are now seven weeks old and ready for their forever homes (heartbreaking part) so that part of everything is about to change.
And now getting the new backyard ready for Motley – the yard full of foxtails and black locust trees. It’s going to be an adventure.
Scratch that – It’s going to be WAR!

And update on my stomach issue and weight loss:
I – and I would really like to stress that word “I” here – figured out what was causing my stomach issues. I even mentioned it to the doctor the first time I went in, just because I did see it as a remote possibility at the time. My birth control meds, or, as I like to call them: My happy drugs. I have switched birth controls and am no longer having those stomach issues. YAY me! BOO doctors!
I have lost 22 pounds so far, and I am back into my high school jeans – Super YAY me!

Good night all!

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