Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Random Poetry

Not only has 2013 been a bit of a revival of life dreams and goals for me:
going back to school,
a constant evolution of figuring out my life,
being a happier, healthier, more fit me,
trying to be a more openly caring individual,

And writing. I’ve been writing more. Particularly over the last month. Plus I discovered a stash of old poetry, character histories and prophecies surrounding the novel I’m working on! *Jumps for joy* I’ve been working on typing everything out onto my PC and have gotten through quite a chunk of them.
So I thought I’d share a couple of poems with the world. Some are from a number of years ago, others from this last month. Enjoy!

Where the Wild Things Grow

Where the wild things grow
Nothing matters of the outside
Everything has meaning
And no one has anything to hide
We are free from persecution
And the things from which we flee
Nothing here can harm you
Not even a tiny honey bee
Everything is calm here
And this you’ll come to know
The flowers smell so sweet here
Where the wild things grow
Tears are not to be ashamed of
For they are of our old pains
The few that happen to care
Are left standing there are stained
But we who keep on going
Even after being jaded
Are stronger and more observant
Now wary before being weighted
The jaded keep on going
And this you’ll come to know
Your tears taste so sweet here
Where the wild things grow

Naked Soul

The masks we constantly wear
Serve as a barrier between us
We are separate and incomplete
Vapor wisps and weak
Alone in a vast and crowded tundra
Of writhing chaotic masses
We walk this way
From our first jaded experience
Hiding behind jester paint
Miserable and hollowed out.
Void, empty, drained.
Until a moment comes along
Where we see a naked soul
Bare and standing out
Beautiful in its making
And a realization occurs
Scarred, bent, mangled.
But a glorious and striking truth
Stained glass shatters
And paused fragments
Making that one second
Into a precious eternity
Then falling back together
We are beautiful with our scars
And our twisted metal souls
Not one of us is flawless
No one escapes life’s scathing pain
And it is only ourselves who tell us
That most wretched lie ever:
            That we are ugly.
When the inescapable truth is
            That we are glorious, precious gems.

Stolen voice

You stole my voice from me;
From my breath,
From my soul.
It was my catharsis,
It made me whole;
Whittling my words down
To nothing.
Snatching away that which completed me,
And fulfilled me.
It was my life;
My future,
My dream.
But you stole my voice from me.
And for what?
You didn’t understand;
You thought it a silly thing.
But you couldn’t comprehend
That it is everything;
My voice,
My words.
These are my thoughts most profound,
This is how my soul gives sound;
A music,
A melody,
A song.
And you stole my voice from me.
But I found my words again.
You cannot keep them from me.
A healing voice,
Words expressed;
And I found what you had tried to possess,
And shatter;
To destroy utterly,
No one can steal my voice from me.
It will never happen again.
These are MY words.
This is MY voice.
There is no place it can be taken
That I cannot find.
I’ll not allow it!
Never again
Will anyone steal my voice from me.

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