Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Novel Changes

I had one of those mornings. You know the ones. Where everything just doesn't really go your way.
Woke up late - really late as I had planned to get to work early today to make up for the fact that I woke up late the previous morning (like half an hour after my shift at work already started and was an hour and a half late to work on that day!) but I would still be able to make it work on time. Took a super fast shower and discovered that I had broken out into a rash all over my body - lovely! And its not like I feel comfortable taking benadryl; just ask my sister about the last time I took that stuff - what a trip! I absolutely had to run to the bank this morning a deposit my paycheck so I made toast for breakfast and after I had eaten that I went to put the toaster away, completely forgetting the fact that it was still hot and I burned my thumb and forefinger (they are both still a little tingly even now - 7 hours after the fact).
So just not a good morning.
Thankfully, I made it to the bank and managed to grab something for lunch and made it to work on time. AND work went smoothly.
The day wasn't a total loss.
But I recently decided that I am going to finish this book I am writing - even if it kills me (which it just might . . .)! I'm getting some feedback from a friend of mine (Yay!) as my lovely and wonderful older sister refuses to read anymore of it until I'm all done (*sniffles*). Which means me and the library are going to become very close friends for the next however long it takes!
I am also going to start working out as I really need to get to a healthier disposition, which makes me extremely glad that I have a book stand on my treadmill - I can read and run at the same time!
On another note - I have a new foster: an old white fluffy cat named "Holly". She was surrendered to my clinic shortly before Christmas. She was left at someone's house when the previous owner moved. What I and the other staff members think happened is that when the old owner moved (to an assisted living facility), the family members probably all told her that they would take care of her and whatnot - but didn't and just left her there to be the new owners problem. The new owners thought that she was sick and so they called their parents, not knowing what to do. Those parents were clients of ours and so they arranged to bring her to us to be euthanized (thinking that she was very ill). When the Dad went and picked her up he was suprised to see that other than some ocular discharge she seemed fine, but brought her to us to see what to do for and with her as he nor his kids could keep her. Dr. Key agreed to take her in and see if we couldn't place her with the Humane Society, and our client went ahead and paid for all of her vaccinations and such. She is a very healthy cat (rather rotund, actually) and other than some skin tags, dry eyes, and slight arthritis, she's all good. And what a purr box!
Also, I have a bunny. I think it's a girl (hard to tell when they are this young) and should she really be a "she" bunny then her name will officially be "Miss Dawning Hops" or "Hops" for short. She is very rambunctious and already well litterbox trained!
I have a full house!

1 comment:

  1. Glad to have a new post to read! I always enjoy greatly. Sorry about your early day, glad it changed around. Glad to see big exciting plans for your near future. Bless your friend. Love ya.
