Monday, April 9, 2012

Head Colds and Cats on the Countertops

There is nothing more annoying in the universe than when you have a head cold and are lying somewhat comfortably on the couch and you hear a crash from the kitchen because the cats are on the countertops. Scavenging your leftovers.

The little brats.

Then of course, the dog jumps up to go investigate and you have to try to holler at him to stop with your incredibly sore throat because who knows what the two brat children knocked over and it could be glass (though you didn’t hear anything shatter – not that that means anything because your head is so stuffed up that hearing anything other than your own thoughts is slightly difficult. And your thoughts aren’t that coherent anyways).

So you stumble to your feet with a headache as soon as you’re vertical, trying to stop the dog from going to the kitchen while attempting to yell at the cats and not fall flat on your face.

So you get to the kitchen after convincing the dog to back off to find that the fuzz-butts have simply found something with some sort of meaty-like residue on it and have displaced it’s somewhat former precarious position stacked haphazardly on the crowded counter.

Now comes the hard part: to pick it up or to not pick it up. Because bending over is even worse than trying to stand up from the couch.

But since you’re in the kitchen anyways – you might as well grab a cup of herbal tea. And some Tylenol. And allergy medication. And every other homeopathic remedy known to man. And add some water to the pot you have boiling on the stove.

And leave the stupid dish on the floor – the cats will clean it up. And if they don’t – the dog will get to it later!

P.S. I did pick up the dish a couple hours later, after the Tylenol kicked in.

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