Monday, March 11, 2013

A day in the life of

It's been awhile - oh well. Like that's anything new.
Update: going to be going to school this fall - but not pre-vet. I'm finally going to get an English degree. . .
Yep - a degree. In English! *Insert Happy Dance*

And just for fun . . . a friend of mine had requested a breakdown of "this beautiful routine"of mine.
So here it is.
A day in the life of.

The Morning Routine:
Wake up - hit snooze.
Hit snooze again.
And again.
And again.
And maybe one more time.
Think to myself -Oh Crap!- and then get up.
Take a hit of coffee
Shower (if I didn't feel like taking one before bed as I have no real preference for when exactly I shower during the day)
Let the dogs out
Drink more coffee
Feed the dogs
Drink more coffee
Feed myself
Drink more coffee
Gather lunch and/or snacks for while at work and on the road and pack into ice chest.
Crate the dogs
Gather stuff and head out the door, telling all of the creatures in my house that I will be back later and to be good while I'm gone
Pack stuff into car
Drive an hour to work
- and drink coffee!

The Work Routine:
Arrive - grudgingly
Work - diligently
Leave - gladly!
(Okay, it doesn't often happen that way.)
Take care of patients - feed, clean, medicate, walk, etc
Set up Surgery Theater
Clinic opens - intake patients
Deal with irritating owners
Deal with wonderful owners
Deal with nonchalant owners
-And everyone in between
Handle sweet kitties and angry kitties
Handle well-behaved dogs and not so-well behaved dogs
And now it is only 9am!
Start surgeries
Surgeries ongoing . . .
If I am horribly unlucky someone will have scheduled a dentistry and the main dental technician won't be there. And while there is immense satisfaction in doing dentals, it aggravates my shoulder/neck - so it's a little painful.
Finish surgeries (hopefully) and go to lunch (again, hopefully).
Come back from lunch
Take care of anything that didn't get finished by the lunch technician during lunch
Deal with irritating owners
Deal with wonderful owners
Deal with nonchalant owners
-And everyone in between!
Handle sweet kitties and angry kitties
Handle well-behaved dogs and not so well-behaved dogs
And some days, at sometime, handle grieving owners and see pets off to the rainbow bridge.
And some days, at sometime, handle the joys of greeting new pet faces into this world.
Take care of patients - feed, clean, medicate, walk, etc.
Clinic closes
Hour drive home

The Night Routine:
Reverse The Morning Routine
Leave out the coffee and the snooze button
Add in feed cats and feed rabbits and feed fish
And dishes
And possibly laundry
Or vacuuming . . .
Or just watching a movie/catching up on my TV shows

And there you have it :)