Tuesday, August 24, 2010

So, as most of you know, I like to write.

Yeah, its true - hold the applause.

Well, I recently came up with a new idea for a series - they would probably be children/young adult books (on the off chance I ever get that far, with Emal holding me back the way it is). The series would be entitled: The Adventures of Alice

And no, Tyson, they would not be scary/horror stories, thankyouverymuch!

Anyways, just an idea. . .

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Update - finally!

So . . .
Yeah, I know - its been awhile.
Okay, a long while.
A lot has happened since last I was here. Let's see, where to begin?
Holly went back to the kennel but was quickly adopted - a couple in California wanted her, astoundingly enough. Linda and her husband drove her out there and made a vacation of coming back into town.
Mom and Tyson came to town for a visit - yay! Plainview was having their meeting so they were there most of the time, but stayed at my place for a couple of nights and then we drove to Texarkana to pick up Aunt Deb and then on to Rogers. And of course - I got pulled over for speeding. But the nice, wonderful officer only gave me a warning, not a ticket - another yay!
Mom and Tyson flew back home - sad face - and I cleaned my apartment and went back to work the next day. Work that week went very well, even though I was exhausted after it. Strangely, I have had every Monday off since my vacation - interesting side note.
I got a new foster dog that weekend after I got home - his name is Buddy and he's a Saluki mix and a very well-behaved dog. He had been picked up by the animal shelter as a stray and no one claimed him. He had been at the kennel for a few days when he started showing symptoms of kennel cough. Me being the only foster mom without another dog for it to spread to, was of course the top pick for fostering. Buddy already had a family interested in him and this past Thursday Linda too him to his new home and he is apparently doing very well there so far.
This past week I have been pretty sick - I won't go into all of the gory details, because yuck! - so I went to the docotor's office on Friday and she diagnosed me with Reflux Disease (but one of her nurses said that a stomach bug was going around so maybe I had that on top of it) so now I am on meds to help with that - lets see if they help, but then again its only been two days, so we'll see. And I have got to find a way to relieve my stress so hopefully this won't flare up so much, as the doctor said that stress was a factor. I'm trying to find the time to work some more on my book but so far I haven't had any luck, especially because I have a blanket that I am working on.
Back to life.